The publication deals with exercises of preparatory combatives and combative systems, which are intertwined, and therefore has its regularities and relationships. The correct didactic use of combatives in physical education and sports training requires knowledge of their systematics, division into methodological series and the structure of learning outcomes to be achieved.
As in other areas of knowledge, it is beneficial to know where these exercises come from, what their place and evolution have been in the physical culture system in history, and how this evolution has affected their current form. These findings will be dealt with in the introductory chapters of the textbook, as well as the theory of preparatory combatives over time and presented by various authors.
In the next chapters we will introduce a stack of specific exercises, their description, a demonstration on the video and divide them into groups according to the required learning outcomes. The textbook is designed to study the theory of preparatory combatives and at the same time it is a practical stack of exercises for use in practice.
The book is intended primarily for students in the field of physical education full-time study and is focused on the problems of theory and didactics of physical education focused on basic issues of training combatives and its implementation in the subject of physical education.