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Science-oriented Experiments in German Language Teaching or Activation of Learners via CLIL



CLIL, i.e. Content and Language Integrated Learning, connects the teaching of non-linguistic subjects with teaching of foreign languages.

In our case, it is specifically the integration of Chemistry and German language. The contribution will be devoted to action research, which was focused on the implementation of science-oriented, mainly chemically oriented, experiments into German language teaching in the 9th class of the lower secondary school.

During the school year, modules were incorporated into the teaching of the German language on those topics: water, properties of substances, elements, oxides, fire and organic chemistry. The research was focused on changes in popularity of foreign languages (especially German) and science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Natural history) among learners after the inclusion of CLIL elements in the teaching.

The action research took the form of a so-called cross-arrangement of the pedagogical experiment in two language groups, the experimental and control groups were exchanged in half of the research. The popularity of mentioned subjects was mainly investigated by repeated questionnaire surveys and supplemented by obtained from analysis of learners' portfolios.