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Economic tools in Czech spatial planning practice: The potential and the barriers for their use

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


In June 2019, a workshop with experts on innovative spatial planning instruments was held under the auspices of the MRD CR. Discussions on innovative instruments and appropriate inspiration from abroad are more than necessary in the context of the ongoing recodification of planning law.

One of the aims of the seminar was also to get qualified feedback on instruments and their possible use in the framework of Czech planning law from the professional public. The article presents an overview of the best-ranked instruments - the Swiss flat-rate payment of part of the land improvement by the land-use plan, the Munich model of financial agreements with developers supported by transparent rules, and the German approach to land readjustment.

Along with this, the article discusses the most frequently mentioned benefits that these instruments could mean for Czech spatial planning practice, as well as the barriers that will have to be overcome for their application.