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Development of miniaturized extraction method used for GC-NCD screening of non-volatile nitroso compounds in malt

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


The aim of this study was to develop a miniaturized extraction method for a fast screening of non-volatile nitroso compounds using gas chromatography with a nitroso specific chemiluminescence detection. According to a final methodology, the samples were prepared by extraction of grinded malt using a mixture of pyridine and acetonitrile in ratio 60:40 (v/v).

To enhance volatility of the determined analytes, the two-step derivatization using hexamethyldisalazane and N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide was used. The total volume of the sample was 200 mu l and the preparation time after optimization was 80 min.

The extraction method was connected to a classification method, which can divide chromatographic peaks into the groups of N-nitroso and C-nitroso compounds, and interfering substances. After application of the methods mentioned above to real malt samples, the specific chromatographic peaks of C-nitroso and N-nitroso compounds were selected.