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Impact of Selected Aspects of Climate Change on Plants-Learning Tasks

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Global climate change is an important and topical issue that the public, and especially the younger generation, should be well acquainted with. However, relatively little attention is paid to this issue in the currently valid biology textbooks and in the Framework Educational Programme (FEP) for Czech grammar schools.

It is not beneficial to pass on knowledge about this issue to students only in the form of bare facts that would have to be memorized. On the contrary, it is desirable that pupils themselves actively acquire information on the issue, think about it critically and understand it.

Therefore, the aim of this paper is to follow up on the article "Water and Plant Stress" published in issue number 4/2019 of this journal in order to elaborate the given topic in a didactic manner, in the form of nineteen active learning tasks intended primarily for pupils at upper secondary schools. Pupils have to draw upon information from introductory texts, graphs, tables or pictures to solve them correctly and critically think about them and to some extent can apply previously acquired knowledge and experience.

Such acquired knowledge can then be applied more convincingly not only at school but also outside of it. The author's solutions are attached to the tasks.

The proposed tasks were selected from a set of 30 tasks elaborated on the given topic, which were tentatively tested during pedagogical practice at a grammar school.