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Possibilities of control of common vole and other harmful rodents in sugar beet

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The common vole (Microtus arvalis) is one of the most significant pests of field crops including sugar beet. Its populations can reach epizootic scale.

We have photographically documented 7 species of rodents that are most commonly found in sugar beet fields, or those species that may be confused with the common vole. The article also provides an overview of currently available methods for the control of voles and other pest-rodents 12 under field conditions with a focus on chemical protection using rodenticides.

At the time of preparation of the article, 6 pesticide preparations for use against the voles on agricultural land were filly registered or authorized by way of UKZUZ (Czech Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture) derogation. These rodenticides are available on the market in the form of baits or fumigants (i.e. toxic gases).

In the political atmosphere of continuous pressure to reduce the use of chemical products in the field, further tightening of the rules for the application of rodenticide-pesticides can be expected.