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Some Problems of the General Theory of Meaning



Following his doctoral thesis defended on September 11, 2018, Robert Kanócz in his lecture tried to delineate in detail an universal theory of situation (or appearing). The theory tries to grasp all the moments co-present each time when anything appears (or "is present") and to find out, how they are jointed together. (Basically, the theory speaks about a mutual implication of a determinate thing, indeterminate present horizon, indeterminate future, something, which "I do", something happening by itself and the difference of the more and the less appropriate.) Robert Kanócz in his lecture explained, why he thinks that the most general character of the process of appearing is well captured by Czech word "osud" (very close to German "Schicksal"; meaning "fate" or "destiny" in English).

He outlined possible further paths of a thinking focused on "fate" as the ultimate instance. Lecture was followed by discussion.