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Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


Thirteen years after the first edition (soon disassembled) of the Homecoming publishing house, the second, completely revised edition of the Introduction to the Little Prophets, entitled The Twelve (sefer t-rej asar) was published. This monograph was published in parallel with the Bulgarian translation.

It is a broadly conceived literary introduction to the Little Prophets, supplemented with the latest literature and indexes. The author of this monograph is the Czech biblist doc.

Jiří Beneš - Head of the Department of Biblical and Judaism of the Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague. In his research work (not only in this monograph) and in his popularization of Tanach for the general public, he continues the work of his teacher prof.

Jan Heller and his predecessor at the department, prof. Vladimír Kubáč.

At the same time, as a very popular teacher, he leads and successfully forms the next generation of his students.