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Lymphatic system and lymphoedema

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Lymphatic situation is less known than the blood systém. Interuption of lymphatic circulation is very important for the physiological functions of the body.

Lymphatic tissue is very importatnt for imunne system of man. Lacteals are special lymphatic capilaries which absorb lipids and the vitamins disolved in lipids.

Lymphoedema touched in the world cca 140 milions of people. It is very importatnt not to change with oedemas from venous and cardiac insuffency.

Lymphatic systém is composed from liguid (lymph) and vessels which transport the lymph to the organs composed from lymphoid tisseous and lymphatic nodes. The protection of endothel of lymphatic capilaries with thick level of glykokalyx especialy in the digestive systém.

Glykokalyx is protected from antibiotics and other defence mechanism. Glykokalyx decreased the oxidative stress, increases the activity of super oxide dismutas.

Lymphatic system is one of main factors for the absorbtion of the lipids from gastro-intestinal tract. In all lymphatic channels are valves and therefore each segment of lymphatic vessels is contracted in the presence of solution as a separated pump.

During the exercise is 10-30times elevation of the lymphatic circulation. Increase circulation of fymph is the security factor against oedema.