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Specialized map of the impacts of climate variability on ecosystem services provided by spruce forest stands in LHC Jablunkov



The specialized map for the pilot site of the LHC Jablunkov was compiled on the basis of an evaluation of spruce mortality and corresponding production of individual ecosystem services (ES) linked to this type of forest stand. The prediction of damage development of spruce stands differentiated according to forest stand groups was a basis for the projection of future ES levels.

The prediction is based on a model of spruce mortality derived for the pilot site, in which the spruce mortality is dependent on climatic factors (average annual temperature and annual precipitation totals). In the pilot site, the impact of climate development on the ES production was spatially evaluated based on the predicted temperature and precipitation for the given RCP climate scenarios.

The value of timber production, non-timber, climatic, soil-forming, hydric and recreation function was estimated for each forest stands in LHC Jablunkov. The production of estimated ES for a given period was spatially depicted in map layers in ESRI format.