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Tick-borne encephalitis; meningoencephalitis; complication; brain edema; bulbar syndrome; vaccination

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Tick-borne encephalitis is a tick-borne viral disease. Infection is transmitted by all developmental stages of the Ixodes ricinus tick, including the larval, and therefore the tick attached can be a condition for correction and often escapes attention.

Another possible advantage is the contamination of uncooked milk of favored livestock, so-called reservoirs. Alimentary infections often having a lighter course.

The disease should have a typical biphasic course, but in severe diseases the first phase is often not expressed. The virus will rapidly penetrate the central nervous system without creating specific safety days with the development of severe neurological symptoms.

Treatment is only symptomatic, causal does not exist. Neurological symptoms may always be reversible, disability or death.

If it is a preventive disease, vaccination may be available to the public. We present case reports in which the different course of the disease is tick-borne encephalitis, diagnostics, treatment measures and the final