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Practical pneumology

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, First Faculty of Medicine |


Textbook of pneumology which is desticated to medical students and to medical doctors which prepare to specialisation exams in pneumology and phtiseology. There are presented actual informations on diagnostic procedures and on recommended methods in diseases of airways, lungs, pleural spaces and mediastinum.

Special attention is paged to diagnostic methods, particalarly to imaging procedures, lung fundion tests and to bronchology. Readers are informed also with the guidelines on preoperative procedures, on surgical investigative and therapeutic methods and on actual situation and indication criteria in Czech lung transplantation programme.

In the part of therapy authors presented actual recommendations in pulmonary inflammations, tuberculosis and mycobacteriosis, there are also recommendations on the therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial astma and interstitial pulmonary disorders. There is also systematicaly presented diagnostics and therapy of pulmonary malignancies, included the rules of systemic chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunooncologic therapy.

The reader confirmed also disorders of pleural and mediastinal space. From the therapeutic methods there is inhalation therapy and invasive and non-invasive methods of ventilation, as well as the diagnostics and therapy of respiratory insuficience and pulmonary emergencies.

We also present actual classification of heart failure, basic informations of pulmonary circulation pathology and the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in sleep-related ventilation disturbations.