Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common respiratory disease characterized by progressive airway obstruction and an accelerated decline in lung function. Well-timed and correct diagnosis is crucial for treatment.
Pharmacological and non-pharmacological procedures are used in the treatment of COPD. The pillar of pharmacotherapy is mainly inhalation bronchodilator treatment.
In addition, inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are indicated in patients with frequent exacerbations (GOLD D category) and in patients with COPD and asthma overlap (ACO). Most cases of COPD can be prevented by reducing exposure to risk factors.
This is mainly about smoking cigarettes and improving the quality of indoor and outdoor air. While treatment can now slow the worsening of the disease, cure is not yet possible.
In advanced COPD, long-term oxygen or pulmonary transplantation is indicated. Sometimes, all that remains is a symptomatic therapy terminal stage COPD.
Today, the main emphasis is on individualization of therapy with respect to the patient's specific phenotype, presence of exacerbations and comorbidities.