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Early cleft defect surgery and its importance from the ETN point of view

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Almost all patients with cleft palate suffer from Eustachian tube insufficiency.The result is usually the development of otitis media with effusion. Its first manifestation can be observed in newborns.

Over ten years, we have performed primary suture of the lip in more than 300 newborns. Most surgical procedures were performer by day 7.

Audiologic diagnosttics was indicated before the procedure. Using high frequency tympanometry, we were able to predict with high probability the presence of fluid in the middle ear.

Middle ear secretion was detected in newborns, but only in those who had cleft palate. In all patients with isolated cleft lip, the middle ear was airy.

The presence of secretion does not depend on the cleft side. High-frequency tympanometry is a highly conclusive method for determining the presence of middle ear fluid in newborns.

According the future follow - up, the need for further intervention in the middle ear in patients with cleft palate was 71 %.