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Analysis of children's injuries and informed parents about their prevention

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Summary: The article is focused on the mapping of the occurrence of child injuries happening in the household and the parental awareness of the injury's preventive measures. By the analysis of the gathered information through the non-standardised questionnaire survey the following has been mapped: the incidence of the occurrence of child injuries happening between the first and third year of life through to the data provided by parents or accompanying person at the General Practitioners for minors, the types and characteristics of injuries, household equipped with the safety aids and sources, where parents get the most information about child injury prevention.

The obtained data were statistically processed. The resulting findings confirmed the fact that parents or accompanying people draw information on preventive measures from the Internet, but the household's security and safety does not correspond to these findings.

The result of the survey is a creation of the "Informative list of the injury prevention" which will contribute to the improvement of information on the preventive measures of the child injuries rate.