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Incidence of injury and its prevention in the elite series of women i rugby sevens in Czech Republic

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Rugby is a collective sport performed at the amateur level in Czech Republic. Both teams are in direct contact so there is a high probability of injury occurrence.

Parts of the body that are most commonly injured are upper and lower limbs. The question is, whether sufficient attention is paid to the injuries and whether players use possibilities of prevention and rehabilitation in training process.

Group: Women players of all six teams playing elite series were included into the monitored group. Totally 63 players participated on the study, from which 57,1% were forwards and 42,9% were millfield players Method: Enquiry with closed and semi-closed questions was compiled.

This was sent in electronic mail into all six teams playing elite series. Microsoft Excel 2013 was used for obtained data analysis? Results: 174 injuries were recorded\ on average 2,74 injury for forwarder player and 3.14 injury for millfield player.

The most common activity with injury occurrence was folding. The average time for treatment was 6,2 weeks.

The most occurred injuries were fractures and ligament injuries. The most impaired parts of the body were upper limbs, followed by lower limbs.

Occurrence of fractures, impaired ligaments and dislocated shoulder of fingers was most common. The players used mostly warm up running and exercises before the match as preventive measures and the majority of players uses also protective tools Conclusion: Even though the women's rugby is an amateur sport in Czech Republic, the cooperation of the coach with the physiotherapist should not be neglected.

Regular medical inspections focused on functional body state examination that are required by the clubt are not sufficient. It is necessary to create the conditions for players9 health state in all age categories, what cannot be reached with appropriate cooperation of the coach with the rehabilitation doctor or possibly some other specialist doctor and the physiotherapist