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Fe2MnSn - Experimental quest for predicted Heusler alloy

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Fe2MnSn compound was prepared in the form of polycrystalline ingot by arc-melting. In contrast to the theoretical predictions of stable tetragonal Heusler compound, the material crystallizes in a hexagonal DO19 crystal structure and orders ferromagnetically below T-C = 586(10) K that is only about half of the calculated value of 1012 K.

Magnetic moment 5.87 mu(B) at 10 K is less or about in line with various theoretical predictions. However, electrical resistivity and optical studies reveal no signs of half-metallic behavior predicted theoretically.

The change in the slope of the MOKE spectra below 1.5 eV suggests the main influence of a low energy inter-band transition which points to the loss of half-metallicity in agreement with resistivity and optical measurements.