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Environmental literacy of ISCED 2 pupils in the Czech Rebublic with using an author's analytical tool



Environmental literacy is mainly based on the principles of environmental education. It is defined in NAAEE documents.

The presented research is based on comprehensive testing, resp. analysis of the relationship between the dimensions of environmental literacy (knowledge, attitudes, sensitivity, behavior) and variables (gender, grade, leisure activities). An author's analytical tool was applied.

It is a quantitative questionnaire based on the standard tools MSELS and 2-MEV. Its piloting was carried out in the spring of 2019.

Data collection took place in 2019 across the entire Czech Republic (N = 2051). The internal consistency of the instrument scales reached acceptable values.

The strongest connection was manifested especially between the affective and conative dimensions. All variables tested proved to be significant.

In the case of gender, a significant relationship was identified in attitudes, sensitivity and behavior. Girls always achieved higher values.

The grade was positively correlated with environmental knowledge, in contrast to the affective and conative dimensions. The values of attitudes, sensitivity and behavior with the increasing grade decreased.

Regression analysis also proved their connection with leisure activities (outdoor acitivities, ICT, hobby, sport). Leisure activities can be considered as essential determinants of the environmental literacy.

The strongest predictor was outdoor acitivities, which explains, for example, the variability of the sensitivity of 40%. Environmental education implemented in the form of outdoor education appears to be effective.