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Children born after assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic in 2013-2015

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Objective: Retrospective epidemiological analysis of representation of children born after assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic. Methods: In this work we used data from the National Register of Reproductive Health from the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic (IHIS CR) for the period 2013-2015.

This National Register keeps registers of newborns, women, birth defects and assisted reproduction. Results: In the period 2013-2015, 314,938 children were born in the Czech Republic after a spontaneous conception and 8,794 children were from pregnancy using assisted reproductive methods.

When divided into children with congenital defect and without congenital defect, the differences between groups are very small - children with congenital defect after spontaneous conception 4.22% and after assisted reproduction 4.54%, children without congenital defect in group after spontaneous conception 95.77 % and after assisted reproduction 95.45%. In the distribution according to the frequency of pregnancy we found a higher proportion of children from multiple pregnancies in the group born after assisted reproduction (11.34%) compared to the group after spontaneous conception (2.81%).

In the distribution according to frequency we found congenital defect in single dogs in 4.04%, and in children born from multiple pregnancies in 5.82%. Based on the type of concept and the frequency of pregnancy, we found more birth defects in children born from multiple pregnancies after assisted reproduction (8.62%) than in the spontaneous concept group (5.51%).

Conclusions: In the group of children born after assisted reproduction there is no statistically significantly more congenital defects as a whole than in the group born after spontaneous conception. However, in the group of children born after assisted reproduction there are more children born from multiple pregnancies - twins, triplets.

Congenital defects occur more frequently in children from multiple pregnancies, but significantly more in children born from multiple pregnancies after assisted reproduction.