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Traveling with children

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


With a growing economy and thus purchasing power, more and more inhabitants of the Czech Republic travel to remote areas. They often travel with their children, sometimes very young.

Travelling and staying in remote destinations requires careful prior preparation, focused on a specific area. Before the planned departure, a visit to the nearest travel medicine centre well in advance is recommended, where parents will become acquainted with the most important preventivě measures such as vaccinations, exposure prophylaxis of infectious diseases, food treatment and protection against poisonous animals and insects carrying infectious agents.The risks lie not only in the possibility of infection by infectious agents, but also arise from contact with animals, plants and the local populations.

Travelers may be exposed to major temperature changes and the resulting consequences, accidents or drownings can occur, etc. Special attention should be paid to infants if parents choose to travel to risky areas with such young children.

As a rule, the disease of any family member spoils the overall impression of an often very expensive holiday, and therefore it is better to prevent such situations.