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Foreign bodies in the swallowing pathways in children

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Otolaryngologist deals with foreign bodies in children quite often. This is mainly due to the presence of five easily accessible body openings in its area.

Foreign bodies in the esophagus and oropharynx are potentially the most serious group and should be given extra attention. Large foreign bodies can close the larynx and cause acute life-threatening choking.

Sharp foreign bodies may perforate the esophagus and, for example, batteries may cause severe burns. Chronic foreign bodies often cause serious inflammatory complications.

Correct and timely diagnosis is essential to determine treatment. It is based on anamnesis, clinical examination, imaging methods and endoscopic examination.

Finding a battery in the esophagus is an indication for urgent removal. Even a minimal delay can have fatal consequences.

Foreign bodies from the esophagus can be extracted using a rigid or flexible technique. The choice of method depends on the character of the department and its habits.

However, because of the risk of iatrogenic damage, endoscopy should be performed by an experienced endoscopist with appropriate background.