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Floras and vegetation of Tertiary fluvial sediments of Central and Northern Bohemia and their equivalents in deposits of the Most Basin (Czech Republic).

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The present paper completely revises 9 floras from fluvial and 9 floras from deltaic sediments from the area of Central and Northern Bohemia. Based on palaeobotanical data, it attempts to show a new phytostratigraphical conception of these fluvial and deltaic sediments and their possible connection with the deposits from the Most Basin including phytostratigraphical correlation within the Czech Republic (the Most Basin and fluvial sediments of Central and Northern Bohemia), and Oligo-Miocene floristic assemblages from the Boreal Province of Europe (the Weisselster Basin, the Bitterfeld Basin and elsewhere).

In addition, the paper sums up the existing geological and sedimentological data and information concerning reconstruction of the Tertiary river system in the Czech Republic and Saxony (South Germany). The paper focuses also on palaeoenvironmental interpretations of the vegetation cover in fluvial, deltaic and basin biotopes using CLAMP analysis.

Finally, a possible palaeoenviromental reconstructio