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Musical fairy tales with a songbook for children of preschool and early school age

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Education |


This publication of a musical-integrative character combines individual artistic-educational areas (musical, literary, artistic and dramatic education) to a complex of 11 authorial musical fairy tales. The experience of reading and artistic work is highlighted by original songs, arranged accompaniments of songs and also by a number of ideas for other artistic activities.

A CD with 17 recordings is attached. The publication was made at the Department of Music Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University, based on the cooperation of students in the field of Teacher's Training for Kindergartens focused on music education with their teachers and friends.

The publication deals with the integration of music with other artistic and non-artistic fields. The work is intended for children and all those who care for them in their preschool and younger school age.

Its role is to support the artistic development of children and a more comprehensive perception of the world around us and in us. The authors share their passion for music in connection with other art and educational areas.