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Perioperative acute internal carotid thrombosis after general surgery

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


INTRODUCTION: The average incidence of perioperative stroke during major non-cardiac surgery is less than 1%, suggesting that it is rarely a major problem for the vast majority of patients. METHODS: In our paper we present a 46-year-old patient undergoing acute right hemicolectomy who developed right-sided hemiparesis in the perioperative setting.

Immediate CTAg examination showed an ischemic stroke in the left hemisphere as a result of left internal carotid thrombosis. A surgical procedure to recanalize the left carotid artery was performed 14 hours from the onset of neurological symptomatology and the neurological deficit gradually recovered fully.

CONCLUSION: Our case report supports studies showing that a thorough diagnostic assessment allows the selection of patients who may benefit from urgent revascularization of acute internal carotid occlusion during the phase of acute brain ischemia.