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The Injury-Treatment Time Interval of the Most Frequent Limb Fractures - 1-Year Monocentric Study

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the injury-treatment time interval in a group of patients with limb bone fractures over the period of one year; and to compare this interval in the most frequent fractures of the upper and lower limb. The results of the study confirmed that the fastest treatment was requested in patients with fractures which made the self-care (distal radius) or walking (proximal femur, ankle) impossible; less painful fractures (metacarpal, phalanx fractures) and fractures that do not compromise walking (metatarsal fractures) were treated in the first 24 hours after the injury significantly less frequently.

The patients with ankle fractures sought out treatment the most quickly compared to the patients with other fractures; it concerned largely occupational or sports injuries sustained by young men who were brought for treatment immediately after the injury, directly from their workplace or sports ground. The treatment of osteoporotic fractures (proximal humerus, distal radius, proximal femur) was spread over the first 6 hours due to the lack of independence of elderly patients after sustaining a fall at home; in majority of them transport to treatment was arranged for by relatives or neighbours only with a certain delay, once they became aware of their injury.