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Long term ventricular performance after intra-atrial correction of transposition: left ventricular filling is the major limitation

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


Objective-To establish the incidence of systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the right and left ventricle in a large cohort of patients after Mustard or Senning operations and to assess changes in the incidence on long term follow up. Design-Postoperative case-control study using radionuclide ventriculography.

Ejection fractions, peak filling rates, rapid filling periods and fractions, slow filling periods and fractions, and atrial contraction periods and fractions were studied. Setting-Tertiary care centre, ambulatory and hospital inpatient care.

Patients-A convenience sample of 153 patients studied at median age of6.9 years (median 4.4 years after surgery), In 99 cases another study was available at a median age of 15.3 years (median 13 years after surgery and 8.8 years after the first study). Results-Respective incidences of dysfunction in the first and the second study were as follows: ejection fraction-right ventricle 7.8% and 8.1%, left ventricle 7.2% and 10.1%; peak filling rate-right ventricle 0% and 4.2%, left ventricle 14.3% and 29.5% (p < 0.05); rapid filling period-right ventricle 18.3% and 11.6%, left ventricle 30.2% and 30.5%; slow filling period-right ventricle 4.8% and 3.2%; left ventricle 11.9% and 23.2%; atrial contraction period-right ventricle 0.8% and 4.2%, left ventricle 15.1% and 26.3%; rapid filling fraction-right ventricle both 0%, left ventricle 82.5% and 79.0%; slow-filling fraction-right ventricle 0.8% and 4.2%, left ventricle 37.3% and 30.5%; atrial contraction fraction-right ventricle both 0%, left ventricle 79.4% and 71.6%.

Conclusions-The incidence of systolic ventricular dysfunction is 8% (right ventricle) and 10% (left ventricle) 13 years after surgery, without a significant increase over the eight year follow up. Diastolic filling is abnormal in up to 80% of patients and left ventricular peak filling rate deteriorates with time.