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Historian and diplomat Vlastimil Kybal

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


Vlastimil Kybal was born 30 May 1880 in Černochov near Louny, Bohemia and died on 2 January 1958 in Washington, USA. He was a Czech historian who studied at the college-preparatory school in Slaný (1891-99) and at the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague (1899-1903), where he obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1903 for his outstanding thesis "On the Teachings of Master Matěj of Janov." He was a pupil of historians Jaroslav Goll, Václav Novotný, Josef Pekař, and Josef Šusta and philosophers Thomas G.

Masaryk and František Drtina. As a historian, he devoted his research and publications on the history of the Middle Ages and the modern era (e.g., Agnes of Bohemia, Francis of Assisi, Matěj of Janov, Jan Hus, Henry IV, Ernest Denis, and Karel Havlíček Borovský).