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Data analysis of REPAR - country-wide register of growth hormone treatment recipients

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The aim of this study is to present the basic demographic data of patients included in the REPAR database and to analyze selected longitudinal data. Data from all ten pediatric clinical centers for the rhGH trreatment in the Czech Republic are entered into web-based-database via web case report forms.

The database contains data before the start of the treatment and data from follow-up visits until treatment termination. Patients belong to the one of six pediatric indication groups.

Analyses of data from the registry contribute to an overview of numbers of trreated patients, but also to the evaluation of the clinical recognition of growth disorders on pediatric practice. They can serve to better understanding of physiological effects of growth hormone, to analyzing predictors of therapy success, and also to pharmacoeconomic assessments.