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Comparison of phase transformations in binary Ti-Mo and Zr-Nb alloys

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Titanium and zirconium are both allotropic materials - they occur in more crystallographic phases. They can be found in the same group of periodic table of elements, they both occur in HCP structure at room temperature and in BCC structure above beta-transus temperature.

While Ti alloys are used in aircraft industry or biomedicine, Zr is primarily applied in nuclear reactors. Phase transformations in metastable beta titanium alloys have been thoroughly explored.

On the other hand, metastable beta Zr alloys are almost unexplored. This study aims on using knowledge of phase transitions in Ti alloys for description of phase transformations in similar Zr based alloys.

Binary Ti-(12-18)Mo and Zr-(12-15)Nb alloys were manufactured by vacuum arc melting and investigated by in-situ methods such as electrical resistivity measurement, DSC and dilatometry. Observed results were confirmed by ex-situ SEM observations.