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Organization of care about patients with diabetic foot in the Czech Republic

Publikace na Ústřední knihovna, 2. lékařská fakulta |

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Diabetic foot (DF) is a serious late complication of diabetes associated with high rate of morbidity and mortality, and the treatment is very expensive. The work is focused on the optimization of care for patients with diabetic foot syndrome in the Czech Republic.

It presents a summary of the current state, its weaknesses, but also proposes and discusses possible solutions. To effectively improve the care about these patients and to reduce the number of amputations, the focus should be on prevention.

The treatment of DF must be directed to foot outpatient clinics, to support their establishment and to set up effective quality control of their care. The limitation for the creation of new foot outpatient clinics in the Czech Republic is the insufficient motivation of providers to establish these outpatient clinics, which is closely related to the unsatisfactory payment of provided care.

The role of GPs in the care about patients with diabetes should be defined, especially in the prevention of DF.