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The Evocative Power of The Roman Catholic Exorcist's Ritual

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The paper is a follow-up to my previous contributions made during the previous set of conferences In Pluribus Unitas. We present another continuation of our series of articles on the exorcism of the devil in the environment of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Roman Catholic Church traditionally approves the ritual exorcism of the devil, delegating it and implementing it by the service of the so-called exorcist. Exorcism belongs to the sacramental category, that is, the effect of an exorcist ritual is subject to the will of God on one hand and the will of man on the other.

The power of the exorcist comes from the uninterrupted line of ordination that began with the empowerment of the apostles and the empowerment of the seventy-two elect, the hands of the divine Son Jesus Christ. The evocative forces of exorcism become the power of the exorcist, who through the ritual of exorcism realizes the power of Jesus Christ.