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Professional competencies of school principals

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The rapid development of information and communication technologies in recent years has also brought changes to schools, to which they have had to adapt. Gradually, it was necessary to start education in areas that fall within the professional competencies of school principals.

These include, but are not limited to, running the school in accordance with applicable legal and economic regulations. In small schools, where the school principal has no one to delegate the activities to, and has to forge them himself, the acquisition of these competencies is all the more important than in schools where the agenda is performed by a subordinate employee.

It is a vocational training within the framework of lifelong learning, which enables the acquisition of skills and competences that respond to the rapidly changing needs of society. The paper focuses on changes in school management in connection with digitization, which has increased the number of activities, especially of an administrative nature, that the principal must perform.

All schools, regardless of the founder, became public authorities in 2017, and therefore have a data box established by law, which they must primarily use to communicate with all users. The aim of the paper is analyze school principals competencies, which focused on the current state of competencies achieved in the field of professional document management in schools, especially in connection with digitization.

Research question: Why is professional document management one of the activities that causes big problems for schools? The results show a more demanding transition of schools to work with electronic documents, except for the paper ones, which began to be delivered to schools and sent from schools with the establishment of a data box of a public authority to all schools in 2017.