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T. G. Masaryk, supporter of Czechoslovak archaeology

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


One of few financial funds for archaeological field research in the times of the "First (Czechoslovak) republic" was the National Masaryk's fund. Originated from the honorable gifts to President T.

G. Masaryk, it was managed by the President's Office and only the President made the decision about their distribution.

Due to positive relations of T. G.

Masaryk to archeology and archeological monuments on European scale the archeological field researches were among many different project funded by this fund. Requests of the archeologists for a subsidy were handled by the Chancellor, who submitted proposals to the President for approval.

T. G.

Masaryk also attended many of the subsidized archeological researches and was interested in their results. In March 1930 an exhibition of the archeological findings was held by on the occasion of President's 80th birthday.