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Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy from a gynecologist's perspective: assisted reproduction options

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


The incidence of MS is increasing, especially in young women (20- 40 years). As incidence increases, experience in the management of pregnancies also in these patients accumulates.

During pregnancy, the risk of relapse declines continuously especially in the third trimester. After childbirth, disease activity after temporary increase (3 months) returns to pre-pregnancy levels at about 6 months.

Use of disease- modifying therapy (DMT) in women with MS leads to clinical disease stabilization, making it ideal conditions for planned conception. MS patients may use the majority of contraceptive methods while being under DMT.

The course of MS is probably not influenced by pregnancy, and the care of pregnant women is similar to that of women without MS. Due to the frequency of fertility disorders in the population, this issue also affects patients with MS, where during the period of stabilization of the disease the methods of assisted reproduction can be used.