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Educating children at children's homes in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Systems of institutional care in the member states of the European Union are diverse and differ in many respects. Nevertheless, despite their differences common elements and principles can be identified: they are being influenced by similar trends and the call for harmonisation.

However, the results of these harmonisation endeavours differ throughout the various national states. It could be claimed that, despite efforts to streamline these system's conditions and requirements, they are shaped by deeply-rooted traditions and the local conditions and contexts of each state's domestic policies.

The comparison is based on statistical data and descriptions which can be accessed online. This paper compares institutional care in the Czech Republic with that of its neighbours, namely, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Austria.

It is designed to outline the specifics of institutional care in the Czech Republic, focusing on children's homes and children's education in these institutions (Pazlarová, 2013). Furthermore, this paper focuses on motivation in education.

A low level of motivation is accompanied by poor academic performance. Studies which address the educational level of children who have received their education within the framework of institutional care conclude that children from children's homes usually complete their schooling at the technical vocational school level (Škoviera, 2007).