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Attitudes of seniors toward computerized memory training

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Aim: An online questionnaire study was used to examine subjective memory evaluation of elderly persons, previous experience with computerized cognitive training, interest in memory training using electronic devices and the preferred training technique. Methods: An online questionnaire containing 40 questions divided into 6 areas of interest was created.

Using this questionnaire, we surveyed the approach of the seniors to memory training through electronic devices. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 511 respondents (average age 67 +- 7 years, average education 16 +- 4 years, 72 % of women).

Most of the respondents (64 %) stated occurence of some memory problems. More than half of the respondents (59 %) did not previously use electronic devices to train memory.

However, 76 % of the participants are interested in cognitive training using electronic devices. A great deal of respondents (67 %) prefered to train memory on a computer in contrast to tablets and smartphones.

This is in line with the finding that 61 % of respondents use the computer on a daily basis. The vast majority of respondents (90 %) would like to train from home.

Conclusion: The results of the study show that elderly persons are interested in remote computerized memory training in their home environment. The limited offer of Czech remote computerized training programms suggests increased demand for development of such training programs ratgeted specifically on elderly population.