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Visual customization in serious games and its effect on learning outcomes: a study with children

Publikace na Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Pedagogická fakulta, Filozofická fakulta |

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This value-added study focuses on the serious games' feature of visual customization and its effect on motivation and learning outcomes in case of primary school children (N = 128, age: M = 9.34). Participants interacted with one of two versions of a learning game about photosynthesis and water transport in plants (i.e., a between-subject design, random assignment).

Children interacting with the experimental version of the game could customize the visuals of the game, whereas, participants in the control group could not. The versions were otherwise identical.

Preliminary results show no effect of the visual customization features on motivation and learning outcome variables (all ds < |0.16|). These findings may have practical implications for the development of serious games.

The complete results will be presented and discussed on the conference.