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An Almgren 18 type fibula from J. A. Jíra's collection and other finds from Lipany (Kolín District)

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In 1897 J. A.

Jíra's collection was enriched with an assemblage of objects from Lipany (Fig. 2). The site was defined as Lipany, Kolín District, Central Bohemian region (Fig. 1).

In particular, an A 18 type fibula (inventory number P 1059), probably of the A 18a variant according to T. Völling (1994, 180-183, Abb. 14), stands out among the finds.

The fibula was analysed using the XRF method, the results are summed up in Table 1. Due to its zinc content of 11% and admixtures of lead and tin, the material can be identified as lead-tin brass.

At present, this is one of the most ancient brass objects known and published from the territory of the Czech Republic (cf. Droberjar - Frána 2004).

It was probably linked to the early phase of occurrence of brass in Europe (Istenič - Šmit 2007; Istenič 2009). In the Czech Republic, A 18 type fibulae are found both in graves of the Großromstedt culture and in settlement sites (Fig. 3).

In the case of settlement contexts, the level of certainty of their association with the Großromstedt culture is lower, as late La Tène finds are also known from some of the settlements. Anyway, this type of fibula is still not known from any oppidum in the Czech Republic.

The other finds include part of a bottle from the late La Tène period (P 1057) and a ceramic fragment from the early Roman period (P 1056b). An iron object made from twisted wire could not be identified more closely (P 1058).

The finds come from a site with proven La Tène and Roman period occupation, however, more precise contexts are unfortunately not known - the objects were recovered through fieldwalking