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Self-upbringing: Theory and Practice of Educational Influence of Self

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The presented monograph "Self-upbringing: Theory and Practice of Educational Influence of Self" brings an interdisciplinary view of the phenomenon of self-upbringing. It is intended not only for experts of the pedagogical sciences but also for teachers and parents.

It consists of six main parts. The first chapter explains the importance of self-upbringing and draws attention to the paradox that this ultimate pedagogical target is not being paid enough attention in the academic literature.

The second chapter is a historical-philosophical excursus, which points out that most of today's awareness about self-knowledge and self-upbringing is ancient. The third chapter describes self-upbringing as a fundamentally human feature by means of several anthropological constants.

The fourth part of the publication is a practicum of self-upbringing, containing the method of the basic level of Schultz's autogenic training and a set of questions to reflect on one's own life. The fifth chapter contains nine popularizing essays on self-upbringing.

A key part of the book, lying in its sixth chapter, consists of a terminological and explanatory dictionary of almost 250 self-referential words related to self-upbringing (e.g. self-regulation, self-concept, self-confidence and others).