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Anaphylaxis - acute and long-term management

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Anaphylaxis is a serious, potentially life-threatening condition, and all healthcare professionals should be aware of it. Prompt recognition of anaphylaxis sings and early initiation of adequate treatment are essential for successful acute management.

The first-line treatment is the administration of intramuscular adrenalin, followed by other interventions. Patients shouls be monitored after recovery for possible biphasic reaction.

Before discharge, the individual risk of further reaction should be assessed and where appropriate an adrenalin auto-injector should be prescribed. Allergy specialist follow-up is essential for the identification of possible triggers and cofactors.

Elimination of these factors reduces the risk of future reactions. Useful preventive measure is allergen immunotherapy, which is definitely iniciated in patients with anaphylaxis induced by an insect sting.