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Report on ICT in Education in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Education |


This chapter presents the Czech Republic as a small Central European country in which applications of computer technology, informatics, cybernetics and robotics in science and research, in medicine, industry and education have a long tradition. The origins of computer science development in this country are associated with the names Antonín Svoboda and Vladimír Vand.

The chapter briefly introduces the history, political structure and educational system of the Czech Republic, including a system of teacher education and teacher professional development. It brings demographic and geographical data.

The attention in the chapter is devoted to the conditions in which the integration of ICT into education at primary schools, secondary schools and universities is under way and how the Digital Education Strategy up to 2020, adopted by the Czech government in 2014, is fulfilled. The chapter provides statistical data of the Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ) and the Czech School Inspectorate (ČŠI) on computer technology equipment and Internet connectivity of households and schools, number of schools, pupils, teachers in the Czech Republic.

The main attention is paid to a position of the ICT educational area in curriculum for primary and secondary school education and to key factors influencing whether and how the primary and secondary school teachers use technology in their teaching in classroom. The chapter also introduces two national projects "PRIM" and "Digital Literacy" in which all nine faculties of education in the Czech Republic develop and validate teaching and learning materials for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and teacher education in accordance with Digital Literacy Concept defined in DigComp and the Concept of Computational Thinking.