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The Gaining og Independence of a Person with Intellctual Isability in the Context ov Future Planing

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The process of gaining independence of people with intellectual disabilities has not been paid enough attention paid so far and the creation of a comprehensive support system in Czech republic is still in its beginning. Article aims to cast a light on the (un)preparedness of parents of adolescensts vith intellectual disabilities forhelping them leave home.

The article will identify the most important areas, based on which it is possible to understand the parent-child (i.e. young person with disability). The mutual interactions will be introduced from perspective boath - the parent as well as the perspective of the existencial needs of their adoslescent child with intellectual disabilities.

Finding out how to support these pararnts in managign their parental role in these i this difficulte life situation could in the future help to set the system of boath formal and informal support for the parents and its offsprings in the porcess of gaining independence in context of inclusive society.The aim of the article is to, based on the most recent research finding, again stress the importance of future planning in families with a member with intellectual disabilities to achieve the highest possible his or her quality of life.