It is a set of teaching guidelines offers ideas for teaching computing at lower secondary schools and instructions for pupils for nine Scratch projects through which pupils discover the potential of Scratch. These are nine different difficult projects, not ordinary school assignments or activities.
In solving them, students suggest how to divide the task into smaller tasks, they examine how to continue compiling the program, they verify their solutions, they discover how some Scratch blocks and their combinations work, and they find out if their solution works. The choice and order of projects in teaching depends purely on the teacher's pedagogical consideration.
Some projects, so-called small projects (Shopping list, Kulička), are relatively simple and time-saving and they can serve as a "warm-up" for pupils' work with Scratch or as preparation for projects that are already more time-consuming and programmatically demanding (Treasure Island, Maze, Variations on Piano Tiles, etc.). The teaching guidelines for teachers and materials for pupils were created as an output of the OP VVV PRIM project.