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Visuality (Visual Literacy) Changes in the City Space

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Visual literacy, as a term, has been used in art history, iconology and visual culture studies for last decade.. It is a strong and seemingly inevitable describer that compares the acquisition of different levels of knowledge in the visual field with one's knowledge of language and literature.

According to it, viewing is like another form of reading. For artists, this metaphor constitutes one of the paramount elements of expression, bridging a visual expression and its successive understanding.

For the purpose of this paper, we have chosen the metamorphoses of public space visuality. This long-neglected topic was thrust into the limelight in the course of last twenty years, becoming emancipated and an increasing part of public discussion.

In this case, visuality has played a major and irreplaceable role. We wish to introduce a project, which includes a video installation, creatively dealing with alterations and changes in the visual aspects of symbols, attributes and elements of the city we live in: Prague, and how these changes subsequently influence us.

Our chapter touches upon the issue of changes to the city arena, especially its ephemeral parts, and subsequent occurrence of visual pollution. It is not our intention to present results of a scientific research, rather we wish to highlight and introduce this topic to a public willing to listen.

We outline the topic not just in architectural and philosophical terms but mainly from the viewpoint of artists who have dealt with phenomenology of architecture on an everyday basis, as it is something having a strong impact on us wherever we go. This project brings together practice in the fine arts, architecture and video installation, thus becoming an interdisciplinary visual project.