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Metabolic effects of antihypertensives

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The metaboiicaiiy negative effects of antihypertensives are mentioned in connection with beta-biocker and/or diuretic therapy. Both of these major ciasses of antihypertensives have an irrepiaceabie roie in the treatment of arteriai hypertension and have been shown to reduce cardiovascuiar morbidity and mortaiity in hypertensive patients.

On the other hand, in predisposed individuais, they may induce or rather acceierate the deveiopment of diabetes meiiitus and dysiipidemia compared to therapy based on renin-angiotensin system inhibitors and/or caicium channei biockers. There are stiii controversies as to whether the negative metaboiic effect is significant that it affects the prognosis of patients.

In addition, each ciass contains a highiy heterogeneous group of drugs with different properties, so their negative metaboiic effects cannot be generaiized. This articie summarizes current knowiedge about the effect of diuretics and beta-biockers on giucose and piasma iipid metaboiism.