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Aeneid V and Ancient Cento Poetry : II. The Latin Anthology

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The second part of the study analyses selected scenes from several poems in the Codex Salmasianus: the anonymous De alea (Anth. Lat. 8 Riese2), the tragedy Medea attributed to Hosidius Geta (Anth.

Lat. 17 Riese 2), and the fragmentary De opera pistoria, formerly entitled De panificio (Anth. Lat. 7 Riese2).

The first two contain passages with a strong intertextual connection to the fifth book of Vergil's Aeneid, which also intensely employ the concepts of performance and gaze. The analyses of the two poems confirm the conclusions of the first part of the study.

Encouraged by connotations to Aeneid V, the same concepts in the third poem support the new interpretation of the poem recently coined by Maria Teresa Galli and Luca Paretti.