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Trancription in Conversation Analysis

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This article compares five Czech-and English-language manuals and resources for the transcription of spoken interactions for research based in conversation analysis (CA). The presented method of transcription can also be used in sociolinguistics, pragmatics and for research in Language Management Theory or language communities.

The following materials were selected for comparison: the DIALOG corpus manual (Kaderka-Svobodová, 2006), the book Transcribing Talk and Interaction by Christopher J. Jenks (2011), a chapter from the book Doing Conversation Analysis by Paul ten Have (2006/1999) and two online modules by Emanuel A.

Schegloff and Charles Antaki. The main purpose of this article is to familiarize readers with the selected publications and present them in an order appropriate for the gradual acquisition of transcription skills.

Another aim is to create an overview of all particularities concerning transcription, so that mainly beginning researchers can acquire a complete image of the transcription process. The analysis of the selected materials focuses on current of the topics important for transcription: the theoretical background of a transcription, what can be captured in a transcription, the purpose of a transcription, the overall formatting of a transcription including the anonymization of data, transcription symbols.

Furthermore, the paper touches upon additional aspects of transcription included in the materials: transcription software, the visual dimension of the data and the translation of the transcript.