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Blast clearance after one week of corticosteroids correlates with outcome and genetics but does not justify adding a residual disease time point in acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment

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Signs of response to treatment canbe detected not only in PB but also in BM as early asD8 of ALL treatment. The presented report is the onlyone analyzing BM blast clearance after just corticoste-roids and one dose of intrathecal methotrexate.

Datafrom several previous studies show that MRD stratumat one time point predicts a stratum in a subsequentone [4,8]. Whereas importance of D8 PB was demon-strated to fit into such concept [2], this report showsthat it applies also to clearance in D8 BM(Supplementary Figure 3).

Furthermore, we show thatalready at D8, different clearance is detected amonggenetic subsets. Nevertheless, we did not find a justifi-cation for adding D8 BM investigation of MRD to cur-rently used criteria.