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Cross-border cooperation in the triangle Euroregions Nisa and Šumava from the perspective of mayors and mayoresses

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The aim of the research article is to present opinions of mayors and mayoress from Euroregions Neisse/Nisa/Nysa and Šumava/Bayerischer Wald-Unterer Inn/Mühlviertel, who are important local agents of cross-border cooperation. We want to determine whether and to what extent a positive perception of borders and crossborder cooperation, as well as a positive experience with cross-border activities, contribute to the process of horizontal (active border) Europeanization and development of complementary and inclusive collective identities.

We collected responses to our questionnaire from 79 mayors. Collected data were described statistically, but also analyzed with the use of crosstabulation and cluster analysis.

Four specific clusters of mayors were identified in relation to the transformation of their identity and their attachment to the EU. Such transformation represents an idiosyncratic reflexive outcome of their experience with and their perception of cross-border cooperation.