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Antiradical activity and bioprediction of o- and p-hydroxybenzoic acid hydrazide derivatives

Publication at Faculty of Science, Faculty of Education |


This article provides results of evaluation of synthesized biologically active substances 1-4 antiradical activity according to their ability to interact with the 2,2- diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH.). It was found that all synthesized compounds 1-4 have antiradical activity.

Pronounced antiradical activity was shown by Nethyl-2-(2-hydroxybenzoyl)hydrazine-carbothioamide (1) (IC50(DPPH) = 12.5 μM) and N-ethyl-2-(4-hydroxybenzoyl)hydrazine-carbothioamide (2) (IC50(DPPH) = 16.7 μM) samples under the conditions of this test system. Activity of N-ethyl-2-(2-hydroxybenzoyl) hydrazinecarbothioamide (1) and N-ethyl-2-(4-hydroxybenzoyl)hydrazinecarbothioamide (2) samples are comparable to activity of known antioxidants.

Studied substances 1 and 2 are promising for further advanced research of their antioxidant properties and other types of biological activity. Results of PASS computer system applicability estimation for prediction of biological activity using structural formula as a part of pre-experimental screening are provided.

Expected activity of chemical compounds combines physiological activity of initial hydrazides of o- and p-hydroxybenzoic acids as well as components of structural molecule. According to bioprediction data analysis, all compounds can act as inhibitors with a high degree of probability.